How are OWLX bracelets made?

Most plastics do not rust, do not biodegrade, and remain in the environment for long periods.

One of the biggest problems our planet faces today is the excessive production of plastic. Due to its ease of manufacturing and low cost, most companies choose to create new plastic materials instead of recycling what we already have. Unfortunately, this has led to some alarming statistics for the planet:

  • Only about 8% of plastic waste is recycled at least once worldwide.
  • China has long been the world’s recycling hub. However, due to the low demand for recycled plastic, they no longer accept plastic waste from around the world. This has led many regions in the U.S. to secretly stop recycling by sending plastic materials to landfills or incinerators for energy production.
  • Plastic waste takes approximately 1,000 years to decompose in landfills. As it breaks down, microplastics seep into our water supplies, are consumed by humans, wildlife, and more. While the long-term effects are not yet fully understood, a new method discovered earlier this year has found microplastics in human organs.
  • At the current rate, by 2050, the amount of plastic in the ocean will exceed the amount of fish. To tackle this issue directly, we will switch to using ocean-recovered plastic instead of standard recycled plastic by the end of this year.

It takes 1,000 years for a plastic water bottle to decompose in a landfill.

To produce a single bracelet, we need 5 working days to process the basic materials.

We are committed to reducing waste and creating a brighter, more sustainable future for everyone. Our soft rubber base is now being ground using Repreve, a polyester made from recycled plastic water bottles. Through this process, each elastic wristband we sell removes the equivalent of an 8-ounce water bottle from our ecosystem.

But we didn’t stop there.

All of our collectible cards are now made from biodegradable PVC, a revolutionary material that allows us to focus on environmental impact without leaving a trace. By implementing this change, we eliminate approximately 44,000 pounds of plastic production annually while continuing to provide a lasting reminder used by millions of people worldwide.

Even the packaging for our resealable products is made from recycled materials to ensure no additional waste is created.

It will never end.

The fight for a clean planet never ends. Thank you for being a warrior with us.
